Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 - Group Discussion 2

Week 6 - Group Discussion 2

Q Discuss the following; post your initial response by Thursday night at 11:59 pm and then respond to at least two of your group members before Sunday at 11:59 pm. Analyze the basic ideas of death and the afterlife as they develop in Buddhism, and Traditional Chinese Religion. Discuss the similarities and differences concerning karma, samsara (rebirth), and moksha/nirvana between Hinduism and Buddhism. What do you make of the Daoist (Taoist) alchemical tradition?

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The teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism are both similar and different at the same time. Buddhism has its roots in Hinduism. When I think about Hinduism, I instantly think about China. I was glad that it was included in our lessons, and I learned that it was rooted in India. One thing that interests me this week is that Buddhism does not consider that enlightenment or being liberated is not linked to divine doings. They recognize the gods’ existence but do not depend on them for enlightenment that there is something more important beyond these gods.